Thursday, November 26, 2009

the holiday of food

Happy Thanksgiving!

American or not, you're thankful for something and should indulge in copious amounts of food tonight. It's just the way.

If you follow me on twitter, you may have seen oodles of repetitious updates regarding working a helluva lot in a short period of time. I apologize for them all, but it'll be fun to look back on at some point.

I'm currently in a bed full of fluffy pillows, blankets, and on the most comfortable bed of my life, aka the bed I've been sleeping on for about 20 years. After 15 hours of recovering sleep last night in this bed, I feel reborn. The past 2.5 straight days of work are completely irrelevant to me now, but my bank account is thankful.

Today, we recognize what we are thankful for. I have so much that I feel like a list would be too short and miss so many things. Regardless...

1. Cade.
--It may be cliche or lame, but he means everything to me. My life would not be what it is today without him. Also, in 4 days, we will be celebrating one full year of speaking every single day since the first moment we started speaking. <3

2. Family.
--Also cliche, but also true. My life has been an adventure, a roller coaster, full of good decisions and bad, and they still support me and just want me to succeed. I am SO EXCITED to see the family we see every year for Thanksgiving. I haven't seen them for two years, because last year I spent Thanksgiving in Seattle with Eia and her family (<333).

3. Friends.
--Obviously. So many of my friends are there for me no matter what. This includes my friends here in my hometown. I stopped hanging out with so many of them when I turned to the internet, traveling, and having friends all over the world to visit, but when I DO come home, I get plenty of "Ahhh, come hang out!" texts and calls.

4. School.
--I'm so over college. I'm ready to move on with my life and be done with it. Nonetheless, my current college accepted all of my general education courses, and my head of department has worked with me and my scheduling to make sure I'm out as fast as possible, which is 2 years. I WILL finish school in May of 2011.

I think that covers the basics, right?

I wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving <3 What are you thankful for?!


Cade said...

I'm also very thankful for Samantha Friedman to be in my life. <333
You're my everything.

I think you have a solid list of thankfulness! :)
I love you! Have a super awesome Thanksgiving!! (food) < deliciouss

KaraDawlish said...

2011 is going to be pretty crazy for you samfreed xD

Graduating from college
Graduating from... harry potter
Last movie after ten years of this nonsense,
that's pretty ridiculous :P