Wednesday, February 24, 2010

morning greetings

I know I updated like, 5 minutes ago, but what I want to say is more than 140 characters and therefore too long for a mere twitter update (yes, still refusing to use the socially accepted term for "twitter update").

I'm very tired. I went to sleep a little after 4am, and I was awoken by my heating pipe apparently being beaten with a metal bat and other such objects. No, seriously. I do not know how these sounds were physically possible.

Long story short: I'm on a few hours of sleep.

I have classes all day, then I'm going straight to work. I have to watch a film tonight so I can write a 5-7 page paper on it all day tomorrow, due in the evening. Then I have to move.

BUT. My main point is: I'm feeling motivated. Well, not so much motivated as I am... accepting. I want this semester to be over ASAP. I want my college career to be over ASAP. But until then, I'm going to kick this semester's ass. It's likely I will complain, but I'll come out of this alive AND with good grades.


PS. I've been meaning to say this for a while. I've been really appreciate of the comments on my blog. I frequently reply to them in my mind. Is there no way to reply to comments on blogger? So sad. I read them all!


Anonymous said...


Blogger doesn't let you reply to comments. Wordpress does though.

Jeff Edelman said...

Welcome back to New York! Sounds like you have a busy few days ahead of you. But things are looking up for you, which is great.

Cade said...

Such a great attitude to have! Let's finish this semester with flying colors! Like I've said before, it's going to FLY byyyy! I can't wait for summer. haha Good blog post :)
ps i know i always want to reply to comments on blogs! :(

The Vagabond said...

I'm glad you're feeling motivated! That's a very good attitude to have and one that I need to work on. I should probably just read your blog anytime I'm having a good day. You're pretty awesome and I know it would definitely cheer me up. : )

Have a good day tomorrow and good luck with the move!

Crystal said...

I have ten months of college left, and I'm so ready to be done. The sad thing is, once I graduate I'm going straight back to get an associate's (and possibly another bacehlor's) in music performance, and then I want to go to grad school for Library Science. So, to sum up, I'm going to be in school for the next decade or so. xD

Crystal said...

Oh, but my point! My point was that I'm glad you'll be done with college soon, because that's always a really nice feeling, I'm sure.


seurat2 said...

You will certainly kick this semester's ass. And I'm sure the pesky thing deserves it too. Sorry you had to move. I know you were thrilled about that apartment at one time, but no heat in winter just doesn't cut it.