Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A lot has happened since I got to Florida on Thursday.

Essentially, a bad living situation has been addressed, and I'll be moving out on Saturday. So while down here in Florida, I've been making plans with movers and friends and some more friends about getting out of this apartment as soon as humanly possible. I didn't think it was going to happen until the end of March, but thankfully I have amazing friends who will help me out. I'll be living in Brooklyn for the remainder of the semester and avoiding a lot of conflict.

I may or may not make a passive video without details or names that kind of gives the general idea of what's been going on at my NYC apartment.

In the long run, this move is going to result in: saving around $2000 in rent and utilities, living in a warm apartment and will no longer need 6 blankets, a school commute cut from over an hour to under a half hour, getting more sleep, no longer becoming stressed at home after being stressed at school, and most importantly, I'll be much happier.

The next time I move, it'll be to this very apartment I'm staying in in Florida no later than December 2010.

So anyway.

I'm still in Florida, but I'll be leaving tonight. Cade is still in class, but he'll be home soon. We'll have seven hours to hold on to until next time, whenever that may be.



Rosequirk2789 said...

Good luck with the move! I hope it's a nicer part of brooklyn. Hahaa

(and btw the word verification was "messes")

Margaret said...

Sam. I don't have anything in particular to say. But I know it's frustrating when 100+ people follow you and no one comments. So, I read this. And I'm thinking about you. :) Good luck with everything.

The Vagabond said...

Good luck with the move!! New apartments can be exciting. I hope you like it!

JohnnyDurham19 said...

Argh, I want to know what's been happening at your apartment. We should catch up on skype or something :)

OH, and you're moving to Florida at the end of the year?! THAT'S SO COOL!


Crystal said...

Aw, I'm sorry your current living situation is so stressful, but I'm glad that you'll be able to remedy the situation quickly! Friends ftw!

Cade said...

I miss you so much already :(
I don't want you to leaf me evarrrr <3 Let's hangout again asap? I'd like that. I hope Brooklyn is 1 bajillion times better than that apartment. *hugs* I can't wait to talk to you again. Love you lots <333

Jeff Edelman said...

I'm glad to hear that you are getting your NYC apt situation sorted out and of course I am really excited to hear your plans to move in with Cade down in Florida - even though New York and the Northeast will miss you!